Speach Face(c) Sewing Manual and Patterns Book's and / or license the pattern to make and sell with a Membership!
Sewing That's a Peach!
My name is Kat and I have an interest in speech and communication and thought about how cool it would be to make an articulate mask for observation of visual communication but, like, out of fabric and machine washable and reusable. The masks are costumes that function more to protect others from the wearer's exhalations. Meaning that it acts to contain the wearers exhaled moisture ONLY if blue polyproline filtering fabric is attached. Attaching this fabric does not interfere with articulate mandible function or air flow due to the cave like two piece protruding exterior structure of the costume mask.
Often call Plague Doctor Mask Costume's, I created my interpretation of Modern Museum Quality Historical Costumes of Period Raspatory Fashions, because of my city's diverse nerdy, geeky populations unique sewing interests. Why the words “Museum Quality”? Because my Talking Face Costumes belong in a historical art museum for post covid but are so fun they are still made and purchased today.
Every occasion and occupation
can benefit from a
S'peach Face membership.
Not for use underwater, high winds, near open flame, or with extreme caustic gas.
This is a costume that you can where when you have the flu.
Small Home Business
Sport Team Mascot
Festival venders
Band's/ Music artists
Artisans Craft Fairs
Anime Conventions
Promotional gifts
Rennaissance Festivals
Corporate attire
Visual and auditory communication enhancement
Get your S'peach Face on!
Chews your path..
Membership Introduction
Join a group of artisanal crafters, selling comfortable reusable washable functional articulate fabric modern historical costumes of period respiratory fashion called S’P.E.A.C.H. F.A.C.E.(c)
Why A Membership and not a Franchise? You don’t need a franchise to license a patent. This patent pending and design patented sewing patterns are like a tee shirt. A Hanes Tee Shirt is different from Fruit of the loom, which is different from Gildan. Every tee shirt manufacture is different. As a member your wearable art is guaranteed to be your unique individual creative functioning version of these talk face costumes.
- Craft fairs and festivals have strict rules on what people can and cannot sell. My hope is that S'peach Face can offer a new craft option for everyone, including small home sales and festival venders.
Sewing Manual and Patterns Book's and / or license the pattern to make and sell locally with an Official Business Membership 75% OFF. Thats $250 for the first year!
Individual books are digital download only.
Physical bulk books are for physical shops.
Sewing manual and patterns not included with Membership.
License the pattern patent for micro home business. With the purchase of any S'peach Face Sewing Manual and pattern book you are invited to Become a member of artisanal hand crafter sewing functioning articulate face costume to sell at local craft fairs, festivals, conventions, fund raisers and shops. S’P.E.A.C.H. F.A.C.E.(c) home sewing business comes with members only online sewing school video series.
Encourage local shops to sell items made by officially licensed Talking face costume local artisan who craft functioning talking face costumes as well as the sewing books.
Please read Membership details below for information on what is included and excluded.
For work or home, when you need to cover your respirations,
"Get your S'peach Face on"
Sewing Manual & Pattern Book Covers
Video Sewing School Series Includes:
Instructions on how to make each Talking Face Costume design.
How to adjust pattern for face shape.
Who to contact locally in your community to start filing taxes and licensing.
How to talk about the Talking Face Costume.
We provide you a monthly email which includes current printable promotional material that you can customize and use for your online or print advertising
How to use with the Cricut(c) video instructional series.
How to presentation and package for sale.
How to have a booth at a fair, convention, festival.
Including how to protect yourself from theft.
Official certificate of Artisan costume crafter.
Membership Includes:
Lease the patent rights. Make up to a thousand TFC in a calendar year.
Sell up to a thousand TFC you custom make yourself.
Make between $20,000 – $60,000 dollars a year Recommended stating asking price is $20.00 dollars per mask and up. $20.00 dollars x 1000 TFC = $20,000.00 dollars
Selling price points list. How much you charge your customers depends on what materials you use to craft these talking face costumes. Everything is priced, from the cost of each material to cost of your time to apply each different material, including use of the Cricut(c).
Circut (c) Compatible. Create custom art for use with the Cricut (c) series or go old school and draw on the fabric, maybe add custom glittery detail. It's your imagination!
Certificate ensures the seller that there is only a limited number of Artison crafters to control market flooding.
Advertise locally through any local online social platform or post a flier on your break room wall. No online sales hassle. Ask your local shops if you can sell in their store or advertise in their window because it's amazing the amount of people who will let you.
Sell at local fairs, conventions, local shops.
Make custom orders, Halloween, School sports team's, corporate gifts.
Pre-made printable sale tags and packaging templates for various events such as ComiCon, Dragon Con, Renaissance Festivals, Zoo Gift shops, church gift shops, pet shops, local sports teams, Holidays.
Official certificate of sellers rights for that year.
Enter our monthly design contests. Win extra S’P.E.A.C.H. F.A.C.E licensing rights. Quarterly we have a contest for extra pattern licensing rights.
What you can NOT do as a member or with a member ship.
Not for sale outside of United States of America.
Only one per House Hold, Non Profit or Business.
No sale or online sale of mask kits.
No sale of sewing pattern kits.
No hiring out to a large manufacture to make a thousand talking face costumes whose purchased rights only grant you the ability of small home business crafting and sale.
NO POSTING How To instructions or Videos on any media. These are your creations, not other peoples. How to instructions can be found in the Member Only Sewing School.
Not a Medical Device. The masks are costumes that function more to protect others from the wearer's exhalations. Meaning that it acts to contain the wearers exhaled moisture ONLY if blue polyproline fabric is attached. Attaching this fabric does not interfere with articulate mandible function or air flow due to the cave like two piece protruding exterior structure of the costume mask.
Be an adult. Sewing Cat LLC and S’peach Face(c)(tp) are NOT RESPONCIBLE for what you do, how you behave, or what happens to you while wearing, crafting or selling Talking Face Costumes made from S'peach Face Sewing patterns. You are responsible for you.
Sewing Cat LLC is NOT RESPONCIBLE for any injuries occurred from attempted learning of How to Make Talking Face Costume Online Video Sewing School Series.
The Future of S'peach Face
A challenge for me with this project is getting asked “why didn't I ask Walmart, Target, or Spirit Halloween stores about selling these masks?’ It's two years after Covid and if these big retail stores wanted something like this, they would have done it by now.
I did not want to have these masks manufactured because it takes a year for anything manufactured overseas to reach America and it still might have to wait in port for another year.
I thought of Rosy the Rivetter and the self-help can do attitude during a time of struggle and how many people have turned to home sewing and costuming after being at home for so long.
I thought of these masks as a new form of “Avon or Mary Kay” where people market these masks locally to more interested parties or groups of people who would wear a custom artisanal talking face costume. But I also had to include the stipulation of limited quantities for craft sellers similar to “Beanie Babies” limited the quantities of their toys. This ensures that what you make go to those who want a costume mask. I want you to be able to sell what you make.
Why not license my pattern patent to National Sports Teams for large scale manufacturing? I’d rather ask National Sports Teams to let me license your team logos so anyone can draw some custom art for the small local artisan to craft custom team masks for people who really want one, a dedicated fan, not a cheap throw away. By utilizing local custom sewing artists, we can avoid a cookie cutter one size fits all fiasco and present a beautifully crafted functioning work of modern fan art. Go Team!
About the Logo
S’P.E.A.C.H. F.A.C.E (c) Pronounced ‘Speech Face’ the title references my inventions improved facial comfort allows for better speech and communication. The acronym S’.P.E.A.C.H. stands for Speech Projection that’s Enhanced and Audibly Clear to Hear. The acronym F.A.C.E stands for Fashionable and Awesomely Cute Entertainment. Peach faced love birds are parrots and parrots are the first animal people think about when thinking of talking animals. My logo is a love bird with a peach. My slogan is “Sewing that’s a Peach!” and also “Get / Put Your S’P.E.A.C.H. F.A.C.E. On”